Tea, cake and leisurely laps of the lake by pedalo in Victoria Park

After what seemed a long drawn out facelift, Victoria Park in East London has now fully reopened in all its green glory. I love nothing more than an early morning stroll along Regents Canal spotting the wildlife, peering into the beautiful canal boats and generally enjoying the peace of the surroundings before turning off into Victoria Park for a slice of cake and a hot cup of tea at the Pavilion Cafe. Weekend perfection personified I hear you cry? Not quite.
This routine has only been made better by the addition of pedalo boats in the lake, allowing me the opportunity to see my beloved park from a new angle and burn off some of those pesky sponge calories. Available for hire in thirty minute slots (the lake is small so this does allow time for a lap or two at leisure) and seating up to four people, a tour in a pedalo allows you to view the only bit of the park not accessible by foot – the small island in the centre of the lake!